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C++ Programming Test Answers (new)

Here you will have all most recent updated C++ Programming Test Answers of General Programming category, please press Ctrl + F to find your desired answers of test questions.
1. Consider the following class hierarchy:

  class Base



 class Derived : public Base



 Which of the following are true?
 Answers: • Derived can access public and protected member functions of Base or • The following line of code is valid: Base *object = new Derived();

 2. Which of the following sets of functions do not qualify as overloaded functions?
 Answers: • void x(int,char) int *x(int,char)

 3. Consider the sample code given below and answer the question that follows.

 1 class Car

 2 {

 3 private:

 4 int Wheels;


 6 public:

 7 Car(int wheels = 0)

 8 : Wheels(wheels)

 9 {

 10 }


 12 int GetWheels()

 13 {

 14 return Wheels;

 15 }

 16 };

 17 main()

 18 {

 19 Car c(4);

 20 cout << "No of wheels:" << c.GetWheels();

 21 }

 Which of the following lines from the sample code above are examples of data member definition?
 Answers: • 4

 4. Which of the following statements about function overloading, is true?
 Answers: • Function overloading is possible in both C and C++

 5. Consider the sample code given below and answer the question that follows.
 class Shape
 virtual void draw() = 0;

 class Rectangle: public Shape
 void draw()
 // Code to draw rectangle
 //Some more member functions.....

 class Circle : public Shape
 void draw()
 // Code to draw circle
 //Some more member functions.....

 int main()
 Shape objShape;
 What happens if the above program is compiled and executed?
 Answers: • A compile time error will be generated because you cannot declare Shape objects

 6. Consider the sample code given below and answer the question that follows.

 class Person




 virtual ~Person();


 class Student : public Person








 Person *p = new Student();

 delete p;


 Why is the keyword "virtual" added before the Person destructor?
 Answers: • To ensure that the destructors are called in proper orde

 7. What linkage specifier do you use in order to cause your C++ functions to have C linkage
 Answers: • extern "C"

 8. You want the data member of a class to be accessed only by itself and by the class derived from it. Which access specifier will you give to the data member?
 Answers: • Protected

 9. Consider the sample code given below and answer the question that follows.

 class Person


 string name;

 int age;

 Person *spouse;


 Person(string sName);

 Person(string sName, int nAge);

 Person(const Person& p);

 Copy(Person *p);

 Copy(const Person &p);

 SetSpouse(Person *s);


 Which one of the following are declarations for a copy constructor?
 Answers: • Person(const Person &p);

 10. Which of the following member functions can be used to add an element in an std::vector?
 Answers: • push_back

 11. Sample Code

 typedef char *monthTable[3];

 Referring to the code above, which of the following choices creates two monthTable arrays and initializes one of the two?
 Answers: • monthTable winter,spring={"March","April","May"};

 12. Which of the following are NOT valid C++ casts
 Answers: • void_cast

 13. Consider the sample code given below and answer the question that follows:

 <font size=2>
 char **foo;
 /* Missing code goes here */
 for(int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
 foo[i] = new char[100];

 Referring to the sample code above, what is the missing line of code?
 Answers: • font size=2>foo = new char*[200];</font

 14. Consider the line of code given below and answer the question that follows.

 class screen;

 Which of the following statements are true about the class declaration above?
 Answers: • The syntax is correct

 15. Which of the following are true about class member functions and constructors?
 Answers: • A member function can return values but a constructor cannot

 16. Consider the following code:


 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
 enum Colors
 white = 5,

 Colors color = green;
 printf("%d", color);
 return 0;

 What will be the output when the above code is compiled and executed?
 Answers: • 7

 17. What access specifier allows only the class or a derived class to access a data membe
 Answers: • protected

 18. Consider the following code:

 #define SQ(a) (a*a)

 int answer = SQ(2 + 3);

 What will be the value of answer after the above code executes?
 Answers: • 11

 19. What is the output of the following code segment?

 int n = 9;

 int *p;



 cout << *p+2 << "," << n;
 Answers: • 12,10

 20. If input and output operations have to be performed on a file, an object of the _______ class should be created.
 Answers: • fstream

 21. In the given sample Code, is the constructor definition valid?

 class someclass


 int var1, var2;


 someclass(int num1, int num2) : var1(num1), var2(num2)



 Answers: • Yes, it is valid

 22. Consider the sample code given below and answer the question that follows.

 template <class T> Run(T process);

 Which one of the following is an example of the sample code given above?
 Answers: • A template function declaration

 23. Which of the following statements regarding functions are false?
 Answers: • You can create arrays of functions

 24. What does ADT stand for?
 Answers: • Abstract data type

 25. Consider the following code:


 using namespace std;

 class A
 public :



 cout << "Constructor of A\n";




 cout << "Destructor of A\n";



 class B : public A

 public :



 cout << "Constructor of B\n";




 cout << "Destructor of B\n";



 int main()

 B *pB;

 pB = new B();

 delete pB;

 return 0;


 What will be the printed output?
 Answers: • Constructor of A Constructor of B Destructor of B Destructor of A

 26. Consider the following code:
 <font size=2>
 template<class T> void Kill(T *& objPtr)
 delete objPtr;
 objPtr = NULL;

 class MyClass

 void Test()
 MyClass *ptr = new MyClass();
 Invoking Test() will cause which of the following?
 Answers: • Code will execute properly

 27. Consider the following statements relating to static member functions and choose the appropriate options:

 1. They have external linkage
 2. They do not have 'this' pointers
 3. They can be declared as virtual
 4. They can have the same name as a non-static function that has the same argument types
 Answers: • Only 1 and 2 are true

 28. What will be the output of the following code?

 class b

 int i;


 virtual void vfoo()


 cout <<"Base ";



 class d1 : public b


 int j;


 void vfoo()



 cout <<"Derived";



 class d2 : public d1


 int k;


 void main()


 b *p, ob;

 d2 ob2;

 p = &ob;


 p = &ob2;


 Answers: • Base Derived

 29. Consider the following code:
 class A {
 typedef int I; // private member
 I f();
 friend I g(I);
 static I x;
 Which of the following are valid:
 Answers: A::I A::f() { return 0; }

 30. Consider the following code:


 using namespace std;

 int main()

 cout << "The value of __LINE__ is " <<__LINE__;

 return 0;


 What will be the result when the above code is compiled and executed?
 Answers: • The code will compile and run without errors

 31. Which of the following STL classes is deprecated (i.e. should no longer be used)?
 Answers: • ostrstream

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