Question: "How is answering stupid questions that have nothing to do with the job
or what the client needs going to help you understand the client?"
oDesk Answers: " It's going to help the client understand that you give attention to detail.I'm sorry you feel that way, but as a client, this is helpful. It's a very quick way to filter through dozens of applications to see who actually takes time to read the job application - if their answers are generic or lame, then it's a good hint to me that they're going to take the same attitude to reading the specs and communications and could cause development time to blow out. "
oDesk Answers: " It's going to help the client understand that you give attention to detail.I'm sorry you feel that way, but as a client, this is helpful. It's a very quick way to filter through dozens of applications to see who actually takes time to read the job application - if their answers are generic or lame, then it's a good hint to me that they're going to take the same attitude to reading the specs and communications and could cause development time to blow out. "