1. Which of
the following structures has both computed and stored properties?
Answers: •
struct Rect { var origin = CGPointZero var center: CGPoint { get { // } set {
// } } }
2. Which of
these statements declares cityArray as a mutable array?
cityArray = [«Portland»,»San Francisco»,»Cupertino»]
Considering var index = UInt8.max, which of the following operation results to
the value of zero for var index?
Answers: •
index = index &+ 1
4. All Swift
classes must inherit from which root class?
Answers: •
Swift classes do not require a root class.
5. What does
a retainCount represent in ARC?
Answers: •
The current number of strong references to an object.
6. Which of
these statements is a valid way to extend the capabilities of our theoretical
class, MyClass to conform to protocol MyProtocol?
Answers: •
extension MyClass: MyProtocol { }
7. What is
the name of the Swift language feature that Objective-C Blocks are translated
Answers: •
8. Which
keyword is used on a function in an enumeration to indicate that the function
will modify ‘self’?
Answers: •
9. Which is
correct for Enumerations?
Answers: •
Enumerations can define initializers.
10. Which
one creates a dictionary with a key type of Integer and value of String?
Answers: •
var dict: [Int: String] = [1:»one»]
11. Which of
these is a valid definition of a generic function that incorporates inout
parameters in Swift?
Answers: •
func swap<T>(inout a: T, inout b: T) { let temp = a a = b b = temp }
12. Which of
these is an appropriate syntax for dispatching a heavy operation to a
background thread?
Answers: •
0), { self.heavyOperation() })
13. Which
one is the correct keyword for defining a constant in Swift? ( or To declare a
constant in Swift you would use: )
Answers: •
14. If we
have a class named MyClass with a nested enum called Status, declared like so:
MyClass {
enum Status
case On, Off
How would
one indicate that a variable is an enum of type Status outside the context of
Answers: •
var status: MyClass.Status = .On
15. Which of
the following could be used to indicate the Function Type of the following
joinStrings(stringOne: String, stringTwo: String) -> String {
stringOne + stringTwo
Answers: •
(String, String) -> String